Local and statutory documents, contracts and claims
Preparation of draft statutes;
Preparation of draft local documents (internal provisions, material responsibility of employees, privacy policy, etc.);
Preparation of draft business agreements;
Pre-trial settlement of disputes.
Business affairs
Disputes, arising from civilians, economic relations (debt collection; execution and invalidation of agreements; recognition of property rights, etc.);
Disputes, arising from administrative and other public relations;
Cases of appeal against decisions of arbitration courts and the issuance of writs of execution for the enforcement of such decisions.
Tax, customs affairs; cases with other government agencies
Disputes about appeals against tax notices-decisions;
Disputes over appeals against non-registration of tax invoices;
Disputes over customs value appeals, refusals of customs clearance;
Disputes with the Fund for Social Protection of the Disabled regarding non-compliance with employment quotas.
Land disputes
Disputes in the provision of land, when registering the right to lease land;
Disputes about the order of land use;
Disputes over the reduction of rent for land;
Appeal of lease rights, property, use, protection of the rights of bona fide purchasers of land plots;
Invalidation of contracts;
Appeal against actions, decisions of public authorities, local governments, state registrars;
Disputes over the seizure of land for state or municipal needs.
Corporate issues and disputes
Creation of legal entities;
Alienation and acquisition of shares in companies;
Disputes, associated with the creation, reorganization and liquidation of a legal entity;
Disputes, related to the ownership of shares, shares in the authorized capital of companies, establishing their encumbrances and exercising their rights, arising from them;
Disputes over the claims of the founders, participants of the legal entity for damages, caused to a legal entity, invalidation of agreements, concluded by a legal entity, application of the consequences of the invalidity of such agreements;
Disputes, related to appointment or election, termination, suspension of powers and responsibilities of persons, which are or were part of the governing bodies and control bodies of the legal entity;
Disputes over appeals against decisions of governing bodies of a legal entity.
Protection of business reputation
Defining the circle of persons, guilty of damaging the reputation of the victim;
Assessment of the degree of damage, caused by the dissemination of false information;
Execution of a statement of claim;
Concluding an amicable agreement and its subsequent approval in court by agreement of the parties;
Gather the necessary evidence;
Consultation to prepare reasoned answers to media representatives;
Representation of the principal's interests during court hearings.