Some theses about that, how to properly conduct a discussion, so as not to be prosecuted for humiliation, dignity and business reputation of the opponent

(exclusively on the rights of humor)

Some times are gone, when the courts were flooded with lawsuits from vulnerable citizens, which took the crooked word in their address more painfully, than a punch. And they went to court against the offenders. I once asked one such plaintiff:

- That, it turns out, that during the quarrel Mykola only called you, and Ivan also struck. So?

- And so…

- And why do you want to sue only with Nikolay, and you do not want to bring Ivan to justice?

- Well, because Nicholas is? Is it wrapping me up again, that's it. And Ivan can give in the face again. I need it?

Then the authorities understood, that something must be done with moral sufferers who are infringed upon with honor and dignity. And first set normal rates of court fees for going to court. And then the category of "evaluative judgment" appeared in the courts - this is when the defendant had enough to prove, that expression or phrase, which offended the plaintiff to the point of mental disorder, confirmed by a medical opinion - this is not a statement of fact, but only an assessment of a phenomenon. And that's all: for evaluative judgments were not punished.

And then the plaintiffs understood: judges for the most part will not believe the arguments, that the word spoken or written has caused such severe stress and health problems, that they can be cured only by applying large sums of money. And the sufferers understood, that the expected moral damage of millions of hryvnias is fantastic, at best, you can count on some 2-5 thousands. And this is not worth the lengthy litigation, nerves and all that dirt, which fell on the plaintiff during the proceedings (especially, if the plaintiff is an official).

Yet the average citizen cannot restrain himself, so as not to call on the authorities with a sharp word. In the vast majority of cases, the government is guided by the principle "The dog barks - and the budget is still sawing".

True, not then, when the official was called a gandon. Тоді місцевий суд може притягнути до відповідальності балакуна, навівши, in particular, таке обґрунтування:

Відповідно до словника нецензурних слів та виразів термін «гондон» означає: 1) презерватив, 2) погана людина.
Відповідно до словника Вікіпедії «гондон» — це погана, неприємна, підла людина, мудак.
Враховуючи вищевикладене, суд вважає вислів «гандон» образливим словом, а тому вважає ОСОБА1 винним у вчиненні адміністративного правопорушення, передбаченого ст. 173 КУпАП, що є підставою для притягнення його до адміністративної відповідальності.

Але є вища справедливість та апеляційний суд, який все ж всебічно, повно, об’єктивно, та з належним дослідженням всіх матеріалів справи розібрався і встановив, що гандон — це не мудак (як помилково відзначив місцевий суд), а французький письменник:

матеріали справи свідчатьщо фразою «гандон» в контексті розмови ОСОБА_1 порівняв ОСОБА_2 з французьким письменником-фантастом «Ів Гандон», оскільки вважав, що той розказує фантастичні речі.
Усі сумніви щодо доведеності вини особи, тлумачаться на її користь, і оскільки переконливих доказів того, що ОСОБА_1 , сказавши слово «гандон», хотів тим самим образити ОСОБА_2 , а не згадав прізвище французького письменника-фантаста, в матеріалах справи відсутні, то всі сумніви щодо нього вирішуються на користь притягнутої особи.

Тож, як кажуть росіяни, «гандон — понятие растяжимое». І оскільки ця постанова апеляційного суду є остаточною і оскарженню не підлягає — вона є такою, що формує правозастосовну практику. А ще — несе неабияке просвітництво, адже саме завдяки апеляційному суду народ України дізнався про французького письменника.

В контексті описаного вище неможливо не згадати про іншу особу, чиє прізвище часто буває на слуху, але мало хто знає про життєвий шлях цієї людини. Народившись в Неаполі, в сім’ї скульптора, чоловік приїхав у Петербург на початку царювання імператриці Анни Іоанівни — як музикант. Але музична кар’єра не задалася, а в подальшому наш герой погодився бути придворним блазнем. Дякуючи дотепності і кмітливості, зробив блискучу кар’єру в цій сфері (щоправда, президентом не став — певно, лише тому, що тоді форма правління була іншою і монархами народжувалися, а не обиралися). Скоро він зробився улюбленцем імператриці і незмінним її партнером під час гри в карти. Наживши багатство, він після смерті імператриці повернувся на батьківщину.

При дворі носив прізвиська «Адам», «Адамка», «Антоніо», «Антоній» і «Петрушка». Але справжнім його іменем було Петро-Мира Педрилло.

Тож якщо в суперечці ви розумієте, що вам не обійтися без алегорій і порівнянь, а ваш опонент — явно не Аристотель чи Декарт, ви можете порівняти його з іншими особистостями, життєвий шлях яких дасть змогу вам довести у суді, що ви аж ніяк не мали на увазі нічого образливого.

В деяких випадках для відведення від себе ризику бути звинуваченим доречним буде застосувати наступну стратегію. Подейкують, що після однієї військової наради маршал Жуков вийшов з кабінету Сталіна злий і промовив: «От чорт вусатий!» Начальник охорони, який це почув, відразу доповів Сталіну. Той кличе Жукова і запитує:

— Товаришу Жуков, а кого ви мали на увазі під фразою «чорт вусатий»?

— Як це — кого? Гітлера, звісно!

Сталін, звертаючись до начальника охорони:

— А ви про кого подумали?

Так що будьте обачні у висловах і до дискусій обов’язково готуйтеся: вивчайте історичні і не вельми постаті, аби вільно нарікати їх іменами тих, хто цього достойний. А у випадку, якщо вас все-таки тягнуть до суду — обирайте правильну стратегію захисту.

Font matter

It would: does it matter, that for the font used in the document? And in fact there are many factors, affected fonts: this light / heavy readability, and overall visual perception of the document, and the number of sheets, and even the amount being spent toner. But this is not all, which should be considered when choosing a font.

Canadian businessman accused of forgery of property. Cheating discovered because, that the defendant used in documents, supposedly dating from the middle of the 1990s, Fonts, which appeared only in the early 2000s. This portal tells Ars Technica.

reportedly, we are talking about documents, which used fonts Calibri and Cambria. These fonts were developed in 2004 year, but is not widely used in Windows to 2007 year: Then with the release of Vista font Calibri replaced the standard Times New Roman font in a Microsoft Office.

With false papers trying to prove businessman, that the property, the Court had to remove it for payment of debts of the bankrupt company, owned by his wife and children, but it, therefore can not be deducted to cover debt.

Documents, are used as evidence of defendant, dating back to 1995 and 2004 years, but their text was printed font Calibri and Cambria - this is cheating and issued.

As a result of careless entrepreneurs still have to pay $6,5 million to creditors or to get rid of real estate. in addition, Now it also will have to answer before the law for forgery.

Тому добре подумайте над вибором шрифта у вашому наступному документі 😉

Recovered from here

For changing the fees for child nutrition in preschool Lutsk

In Lutsk recent days raised a wave of indignation, is caused by the Executive Committee at the town council on the amount of parental fees for child nutrition in preschool education. Specifically, the amount of the fee referred to in paragraph. 3 judgment of 07.11.2018 №702-1 "On the categories of persons, eligible for free meals in educational institutions of the city " and n. 5 judgment of 06.12.2018 №795-1 "On monetary allowances and the amount of parental fees for child nutrition in preschool education". These items, in particular, provided:

For children of pre-school education with family, belonging to other local communities, set parental fee in the amount of 100% of the cost for meals for a day.

Instead of feeding babies with parents Lutsk residence permit situation is different: 40% the cost of food is financed from the city budget, and the rest 60% parents pay extra (in much, as it was before). If we talk about specific numbers, then payment will be food:

Age of childFor residents of. LutskFor residents of other communities
To 3 years 300 UAH.500 UAH.
From 3 to 7 years 360 UAH. 600 UAH.

How commented Head of Education at the town council Zinovy ​​Leshchenko, decisions of the Executive Committee set fee of 100% Food for children from families, who do not live in Lutsk, do not pay taxes to the budget of Lutsk.

From this point, it seems, that is the key linking families (obviously, first parents) before taxes in the budget of. Lutsk. So the question arises immediately: And what about their parents, which, although not registered Lutsk., but work in the city, get here and pay wages taxes to the city budget. Lutsk? Because according to claim. 168.4.1 Tax Code Ukraine, withheld tax on personal income, credited to the budget according to the Budget Code of Ukraine. This Article. 64 Budget Code provides, the tax on income of natural persons, payable tax agent (employer) credited to the respective local budget location of the tax agent.

Or do, if the father is registered in and pays city ​​taxes, and my mother is outside of town and not working, or is maternity leave, therefore do not pay taxes? So the decisions taken in Executive Committee of the notion of "family, belonging to another local community ", very blurry.

obviously, should seek clarification to the Executive Committee, He said to him the same term as used.

in addition, Many believe such innovations unconstitutional and discrimination. After centuries. 24 Constitution of Ukraine says: citizens have equal constitutional rights and freedoms and are equal before the law. Can not be privileges or restrictions based on residence ..., ... or other characteristics.

For Ukraine, this situation is not new. For example, in Ternopil similar circumstances occurred over a year ago. Ternopil City Council decision was challenged in court, which reversed the decision, acknowledging its discriminatory. True, appellate court quashed the decision of a local court, making a conclusion, Food that children in pre-school is not part of the right to education. In my opinion, somewhat dubious conclusion, because Article. 35 Law of Ukraine "On Preschool Education" is quite unambiguous name: "Catering to children of pre-school education". So say, that the food in the garden is not part of the right to education is somewhat premature. Thus, the final point is put cassation, which is pending lawsuit.

In general, The situation is ambiguous. As with the previous decision of the Executive Committee of Lutsk city council 24.01.2016 № 23-1 "On approval neighborhoods institutions of secondary education and keeping records of school children and students". It also installed, that the school, which will baby, depends on the place of registration. Although the decision was made though on performance standards Article. 66 Law "On Education", but what, If these rules are unconstitutional?

uoh do?

The options are many. The easiest - seek to register family in Lutsk. If this is not possible, but your family, despite residence, officially working in Lutsk - should prove, that the decision of the executive committee have not concerns, because you pay the tax to the local budget.

And if your family is not registered with Lutsk, and does not work here - you can try to court to challenge both the decision of the executive committee, indicating their unconstitutional and discriminatory. In the best of circumstances it is possible, that the court proceedings to an end stop action making executive committee. Meanwhile, the trial ends - who knows, can, your child as long and go to school!

Although the amount of parental fees for food is not excessive. Therefore, it is possible, the vast majority of parents agree with the new "tariff", not wanting to spend money on legal fees. But there are two life hacking:

  • costs and expenses, in particular, to legal assistance, can significantly reduce, If several families unite.
  • If you wish to defend their interests and the opportunity to unite - do it already. After all, miracles happen not only for the new year. But also before elections.

Jaroslav Bogachuk, lawyer

The quality of documents

Lawyer – this is, who writes on paper 10000 words and name it “brief”

Some practicing lawyers are committed procedural documents hiperlakonichnosti. Others, on the contrary: knowing, in each instance, the court may in some doubt (and what your rights are violated? And whether the chosen method of protecting the rights norms CC? And you just select the right jurisdiction?) is trying to predict everything in advance to write a procedural document. Someone else statement to the seriousness nashpyhuye many items of legislation, which, perhaps, and far from the situation – but definitely have to impress a client. Everyone has their own approach. pithiness, some say lawyers, although the sister of talent, but stepmother fee.

Personally, I've been working on the elaboration friendly, and, hope, clear and legal epistolary style and visual design materials, customers who prepare or sues. Therefore, all interested, concerning this topic. At the time, few useful tips found in the book “write, reduces”, However, the legal style has its own nuances.

And recently came across the author's blog lawyer Stanislav Kunyanskoho “Right out of water and mud”. Extremely successful recommendations practicing lawyer, which sometimes run counter to the settled patterns – but definitely with the times and the demands of today. Some are used in their activities.

Recommend colleagues to read.